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About Sex Coaching....

Updated: Mar 31, 2023

What is sex & relationship coaching?

Sex & relationship coaching is one of the coaching specializations - a form of help and support in the development of human potential. It is supposed to show new paths in an interactive way through tasks, conversation, pertinent questions, and experience, to serve one's own knowledge and support in achieving the intended goals.

Sex coaching focuses on work in the area of sexuality and intimate relationships. Because this is what relationships are all about ... These are relationships that we should be able to build with ourselves, with our own body, and only then with our partner. If we have knowledge on the level of what we like, what gives us pleasure, what bothers us, what our limits are, it will be easier to communicate it to our partner as well. Here I focus primarily on intimate and romantic relationships, but this applies to all people (friends, family, work colleagues, etc.).

Of course, I work with clients' goals, but sometimes they turn out to be more complex. Sometimes a few meetings are enough, and sometimes the coaching process is longer.

For me, during sessions, it is important to experience. And here I will stop, because during my work I use elements of mindfulness and Solution Focused Therapy.

However, I allow you to create safe conditions for the client to exercise with me. What does it mean?

This means that during the session I allow touch. Where the client is supposed to learn new behaviors in such a sensitive area as not under the supervision of a trainer. Of course, with the client's and mine boundaries (we don't kiss, we don't undress and we don't touch genitals).

This is what makes such a process so valuable, because during meetings there is a space for mutual learning, building relationships and getting feedback that can help in learning sensuality and "being closer".

Sex coaching does not include sex. Practitioners always wear clothes.

Who is a Sex Coach?

I called myself on Instagram @pani.od.seksu, because it looks a bit like that ... I help clients develop their potential in the area of sexuality, expression of emotions, building contact with the body and relationships.

A sex coach uses the knowledge gained during various trainings, is subject to supervision, intervision, can gain experience during workshops, but the most important thing is working with the client. It is the client who is the expert on his life, and the sex coach's task is to lead the process so that the client gains new skills or develops those he already has. The client is the knowledge base, everyone is different, comes with different challenges, but it is thanks to the clients that the coach has the opportunity to expand and acquire new knowledge.

It is important that the sex coach does not delve into the past (unless the client wants to bring some important elements in this way). Sex coach focuses on the future, the goals that clients have chosen for themselves. A sex coach should not impose, but check whether this goal is achievable for the client and what it may bring in the future to achieve it.

Unlike sex therapy, which focuses on resolving past injuries or dysfunctions and diagnosing disorders, sex coaching provides practical tools and exercises to overcome sexual blockages.

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Olga Zarzycka - Life - Sex & Relationship Coach 

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